“Progressive Sanctification is that gracious work of God in a believer whereby He enables him to replace works of the flesh with the fruit of the Spirit, thereby causing him to become more and more like the Lord Jesus Christ.”
Dear Father,
I love you and appreciate you so much! Thank you for your blessings and your gifts. Thank you for your grace and your protection. Thank you for your vision and purpose. Thank you for the ability to be honest and upfront with myself which allows you to work with me. I don’t know what this season consists of but I know I want YOU with me. Help me restore faith into my life. Help me never underestimate the power of prayer.
There is so much you have in store for me…that I am 1000% sure of. How to work with all of it on my own? That I am unsure of. I stopped thinking about the future you have for me and have been living day by day just hoping to get by. Looking too far into the future intimidates me. Both good and bad. This is hindering my progress. Remove this spirit of fear Lord. “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” -1 Timothy 1:7.
I am so reliant on you. I really am. I am grateful for that. You give me the resilience to push forward no matter what situation arises. You give me the strength to move forward without anyone’s help but yours.
The purpose of my life is big. I feel it. You are going to speak through me using my life testimony in a huge and major way. I sense that this is the reason you have me rely on you soo much versus seeking direction from other people. People who can easily mislead (even unintentionally). Nothing anyone says about the seeds you have sown in MY life can affect me. I am so sure of you. I know that you have placed your power on me for a particular reason. I’m not going to lie, sometimes I don’t know why but all that matters is that I am sure of YOU. That’s what keeps me going and moving forward progressively. I am progressively growing and getting stronger through you. Progressive Sanctification.
I am not ashamed to admit that I need help in certain areas of life and confidence in other areas. I need to be able to work with the cards you have dealt me. Alone, I won’t know how but with you, I can do anything! “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” -Philippians 4:13. So I will continue to strive to make sure my lifestyle is representative of you.
Love you with all my heart. Your daughter,